contact sadie.

Have questions? Message me by filling out the form here, and we'll chat.

Feel free to send any photos you'd like me to check out to Before you do, here is a handy list of tips for choosing your photo.

Santa Barbara, CA

Email me a photo. I'll draw it.



When selecting the perfect photo for an EmmieBean Custom Portrait, please check to see that:

1. Your photo is big enough.

Please pick a high-resolution, sharp photo. While I wish I could work with every photo, if a photo is too small or poor quality, I can't make out enough detail to draw it accurately. A good test is to put the photo on your computer, zoom in on each person's face, and make sure that person's features are still as sharp as when you viewed the photo from far away. In other words, if a subject's eye looks great from far away, but turns into a pixelated blur when you zoom in a few clicks, this photo won't work.

2. Your photo was taken by a digital camera or a newer phone.

Digital camera photos are ideal, but camera phone photos can work too, especially iPhone photos emailed at "Actual Size." Older film pictures, Facebook, and Instagram photos are generally too low-resolution for me to work with. The best way to make sure a photo will work is to email the photo to your home computer and try out the above zoom-test.

3. Your photo is in focus.

Blurry or out-of-focus images don't work well for illustrations because I just can't make out the details.

4. If redeeming a prepaid voucher or gift card...

Please select a photo with 1-3 people or pets. For more people, or to have me draw your house instead, please contact me so I can ring you up for the additional charge.

Here are a few examples to illustrate the points above. Photo 1 is perfect! Photos 2 and 3 are too pixelated and too blurry for me to be able to accurately make out his facial features. For Photos 2 and 3, I'd ask that a customer pick a new photo. 

Still not sure whether your photograph follows the above guidelines? Feel free to email it to me at before you purchase and I'll let you know! You can also send me a few photos if you're not sure which would work best, and I'd be happy to offer feedback.